Toxic Writing Commissions


Terms of Service

☆ I reserve the right to refuse all commissions!
☆ You may commission me via DMs on Twitter, Tumblr, or Discord. Other socials are not a safe bet because I don't check them that often.
☆ Payment will be taken via PayPal or Ko-fi.
☆ I charge double for all NSFW commissions. I will also charge double to write certain pairings, fandoms, and genres (listed on the Will/Won’t Write tab). Double charges do stack based on what you're asking for. So for example, an NSFW Billford fic would cost triple the usual price.
☆ I will not write NSFW of minor characters.*
☆ NSFW commissioners will be asked to provide some form of age verification before I take the commission.
For friends, I will ask for payment UPON COMPLETION of the commission. That means I will not ask you to pay until the commission is 100% completed and in your hands. For strangers, I will ask for an upfront 50% fee before I start writing, and the rest I will ask for upon completion.
☆ Changes can be made to the piece itself per request, but if you neglect to give me certain details and I don't include them in your piece, that's not really something I can help, and only so many changes can be made to a completed fic, so please be specific.
☆ When commissioning me, I will ask that you provide me with characters/a pairing, and a genre. Beyond that you can be as detailed or as vague as you want. I just need something to work with.
☆ If we are friends, feel free to give me as little as a character and I will surprise you with a fic I think you'll like. :)
☆ Commissions will usually be completed within two months or less of the time I committed. I reserve the right to cancel and refund any commissions that are giving me trouble for any reason.
☆ I will write original characters, AUs, and other things, but you MUST give me details, especially for OC comms. I want to do justice by your little guy! If the information you give me isn't sufficient for me to feel confident writing for you, I will decline the commission.
☆ My default writing style is third person, present tense. I am capable of all tenses and perspective styles, but if you want something different you'll have to tell me specifically.
☆ I will do my best to include all headcanons and opinions you have on the characters regardless of my own takes, but I'll say again that I need to know what these are before I can implement anything. You're the boss! But you gotta let me know what I'm working with here.
☆ I will always send completed commissions via Google Doc. I may ask you if I can upload the piece to AO3, but you have every right to decline this request if you want the fic to be kept private and I will not hold it against you. I also reserve the right to choose to keep anything I write off of my portfolio for any reason.
☆ Having said that, please do not attempt to pass off my work as your own!
☆ The maximum I will usually commit to is 3000 words. I am willing to negotiate longer fic lengths, but you will have to be willing to wait longer depending on how long the fic is.
☆ I write one-shots for commissions. It's just easier for me to commit to given my other projects. However, I am tentatively open to writing longer fics up to 6 chapters if you are willing to pay a LOT. Turns out there's a lot I'll do if you pay me enough money...
*I have absolutely no intention of getting into semantic arguments about "canonical" minor characters. If you give me a prompt where characters who are in high school canonically are adults, I will most likely be comfortable writing them in NSFW. But ask first, because the answer could always be no regardless.


☆ I charge 2.5 cents per word. The minimum you can pay me for is 1000 words and the maximum (exceptions allowing) is 3000. More specific pricing below:☆ 1000-1999 words - $25 USD
☆ 2000-2999 words - $50 USD
☆ 3000 words - $75 USD
☆ I charge based on the amount you commit to paying, not based on the amount I end up writing. If my fic happens to go over the amount of words you committed to, I'll still charge the original fee, so don't worry about me trying to squeeze more money out of you. You know how it is with inspiration...☆ As stated in my TOS, I will occasionally commit to higher word counts, but only if you're willing to pay accordingly.
☆ Multichapter fic commissions will receive a bulk discount, meaning I will charge around ~10 dollars less per chapter, and will operate under the assumption that each chapter is around 3000 words [with no guarantees being made as to specific chapter length].
☆ As an example of the above: A 6 chapter fic like a 5+1 things will cost around ~390 dollars, rather than the original price of 450.
☆ I do occasionally offer themed discounts depending on the season. Double charges still apply even with these discounts; the discount will be applied on top of the double charge, AKA the money will be subtracted from the doubled total.
☆ This applies to multichapters as well: The total fee with the 10 dollar per chapter bulk discount will be doubled.

Will/Won't Write

☆ Trigun
☆ Persona 3
☆ Dungeon Meshi
☆ Madoka Magica
☆ Danganronpa (All main games + UDG)
☆ Persona 5 (Vanilla)
☆ Skip To Loafer
☆ Twisted Wonderland
☆ Omori
☆ Original characters (with appropriate information)
☆ Alternate Universes/Canon Divergence
☆ All pairings not listed in the "Won't Write" list
☆ Reader insert/Yume
☆ Canon Character x Original Character
☆ Crossfandom ships/Crossovers
☆ Fan Children
☆ Trans headcanons
☆ Romantic or Platonic Training Trio - +15% UPCHARGE
☆ Ken Amada as Shinjiro Aragaki's surrogate son [or anything along those lines] - DOUBLE CHARGE
☆ Fandoms I haven’t written before* - +20% UPCHARGE
☆ Graphic Depictions of Violence - DOUBLE CHARGE
☆ Genderbends** - +30% UPCHARGE
☆ Kniveswood (Knives x Wolfwood)
☆ Transfem Sakura Ogami
☆ Transmasc Tenko Chabashira
☆ MLW Tenko Chabashira
☆ NSFW Shuichi Saihara
☆ NSFW Kirumi Toujou
☆ SUNNY or KEL with anyone romantically but each other
☆ HERO or MARI with anyone romantically but each other
☆ Romantic BASIL (OMORI)
☆ Bigoted or otherwise insensitive material
☆ Incest
☆ Rape/Dub-con
☆ Underage NSFW
☆ Cheating
☆ Underage substance abuse
☆ Yanderes
☆ Real people***
*Ehhh okay, that's not true. Just ask me if I'm comfortable writing a certain fandom and I probably won't charge you double. I'll only apply a double charge if they're characters I'm super unfamiliar with.
**Does not apply to trans genderbends. Jesus christ, please commission me to write your trans genderbends
***The exception to this is if you can give me proof of explicit consent from the people you want me to write, and I won't write NSFW of any real people.